Volume 8, Issue 1 (2018)                   Naqshejahan 2018, 8(1): 57-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghasemzadeh M, Aliyev F, Hasanova A. Silk Road expression of Green Architecture “ Sustainability & Confilict with Climate Change in Architecture & Urbanization of Tourism Areas”. Naqshejahan 2018; 8 (1) :57-69
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-15880-en.html
1- Architectural Department, Urbanism Faculty, Architectural University, Baku, Azerbaijan , arch_ghasemzadeh@yahoo.com
2- Architectural Department, Urbanism Faculty, Architectural University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Abstract:   (9380 Views)
Abstract: One of the root causes of the current problems of urban construction is the overwhelming epidemic of lawlessness. In uncontrolled expansion of today's cities, there is a lack of planning and necessary measures regarding the tourist and urban axes, and the lack of attention in this area has led to the creation of crowded and crowded urban spaces. The question is whether the public open spaces of the city, while being one of the most important urban elements, can attract tourists with the goals of restoring urban identity? In this context, with new methods of research into the role of sustainable architecture, the creation of smart tourism settlements will provide a division into a platform for grading and using new technologies In order to achieve the goals of urban development, considering the Islamic culture of Iran and the proper utilization of regional weather conditions, based on the needs of recent climate change (taken in research methods and research findings), consideration should be given. In the development of today's global architecture, the results and achievements of new urban development have been achieved, which should include specific methodologies for optimizing and using existing community facilities in Iranian architecture. In this research, based on the provision of renewable energies, the use of advanced technology and modern materials for faster production of higher quality and with specific innovations compared with existing construction methods are considered Native methods of natural heating and ventilation are also unveiled, and the reuse of materials, the exploitation of renewable energy and human waste, and the continuous reduction of fossil and non-renewable energy consumption, reduce environmental damage; According to the results and research findings of the innovations, the availability of suitable sources of sustainable energy and intelligent settlements along the Silk Road has addressed the future needs of the development of tourism. The physical structure of buildings and all elements of urban architecture is characterized without threats and by meeting the requirements of environmental conditions relative to climatic features. 1-Introduction: This article attempts to achieve sustainable objectives in the creation of tourist complexes in small town in the North West of Iran show use of the scientific method. Today, architecture and urban development play an important role in social and economic development, create jobs and wealth and increase in the cities; many urban areas are inefficient and indiscriminate use of the product so that only a major role in the creation of poverty and place to what they produce. Today, it is in the management is supposed very hard. In all the studies, surveys and research within the field of tourism and social economy is a common associated with specific climatic zones. By determining the desirable and undesirable effects of the geographical , ecological and limit study on how to design and adopt policies and doing tourism optimized in accordance with the Postmodern patterns, can reduce urban and industrial pollution and restoring the environment, and protection of natural resources human and as a way of better urban design of them. A- Importance and urgency of the problem: The importance and necessity require the issue to be considered basic problems it is thought management in today's very importance: {7} Overall, the present study, the results of this study in the field of tourism economy and social profile of climatic zones a shared connection. By determining the favorable and unfavorable effects of the geographical, ecological and limit tourism and studies on how to design and adopt optimal policies, under extensive research to develop a permanent set of methods and standards can be achieved in this regard. B-Literature Review: Under the extensive research of permanent development can be achieved in a number of ways Standards extensively in this area of research, fieldwork, and standards and existing information and articles, library resources, the Internet has been sent to the following: 1. Stability of green architecture, how ecotourism planning and positive or negative effect. 2. Resources 3. The feasibility of ecotourism in Iran. C - Question issue? How well the development of tourism in the North West of Iran, using the energy potential of the region and ecosystem, sustainable development of tourism was Silk Road? And what proportion can be green innovations and achievements in contemporary Iranian architecture used, is. With the aim of finding appropriate solutions in the development of methods and models that can be used in the field of tourism to the development of sustainable tourism , in terms of ecosystems , climates to achieve economic and social conditions . D- Hypothesis and research objectives: With the aim of finding appropriate solutions in developing methods and models that can be used in the field of tourism The development of sustainable tourism, in terms of ecosystems, climates to achieve economic and social conditions. D1 - basic hypotheses: whether in the complex and local tourist resorts in the North West, the Silk Road and functional space patterns appropriate to the climate? (B) Secondary hypotheses: D 2: Does the space cold and dry climate regions of the Silk Road features reorganization and tourist resort areas affected by the climate? D 3: Does use in cold and dry and tropical architecture for functional space or comfort level in the promotion of tourism resorts? The results show that , local features , natural resources , environmental protection issues , the proper use local energy resources to the climate of the place is the use of different methods in tourist function effectively. In order to conserve energy, environmental construction, the perfect solution to identify and analyze the details of the information they will access. The main subject of our study environmental field, to build healthy urban, by providing facilities is silk. In the new neighborhood with zoning in independent building blocks, can be used with renewable energy from wind and solar energy, appropriate solutions in a variety of community spaces required to be provided. With savings in energy storage and clean, with a safe and convenient location, provides the conditions for the tourists. Sample spaces in this area as a specialized scientific campus that appeal to attract tourists, researchers and provide scientific basis for the introduction of a pilot project as we will in the country. E-Meddle theatrical: Due to the limited market, lack of social and cultural tourism, leisure tourism in the sense of the potential of ecotourism, much more than other tourism sectors. F- Ideal tourist sites in the North West Iran Iran temperature more than 50 degrees. Journal of mineral water in 1385. The best option is to use solar energy as renewable energy is fashion. The figure in the North West to 45 degrees. Using new technology can be used in solar energy parks and solar energy equipment and used dominant energy. This method of power generation equipment, compared with less damaged in the earthquake crisis. In fact, heating the main factor shaping the architecture in the North West. In a human habitat due to climate cooling mechanisms, heat increases the feeling of relaxation, and improve living standards and ultimately lead to stability. G-Discussion & Conclusion:: . Strategies for tourism development in order to exit the recession include: Use of renewable energy, green architecture- To promote communication between cultures, people -Upgrades Experiences of civil society - Introduce Islamic culture to other countries. Protection and maintenance of natural heritage, environmental and historical different areas increased public areas and the development of sustainable cities in Mansour reduce damages and losses
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2017/09/16 | Accepted: 2018/11/14 | Published: 2018/11/14

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