Volume 3, Issue 2 (2013)                   Naqshejahan 2013, 3(2): 23-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Akbari Balderlou S. Deliberation of utilization of Post Occupancy Evaluation Methods assessment of Health Care Facilities in Iran’s Society for. Naqshejahan 2013; 3 (2) :23-33
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-1796-en.html
head of design deputy-Abad consulting engineers
Abstract:   (10692 Views)
Test of a sample approach of post occupancy evaluation (POE) methods for assessing health care spaces in Rasht (the capital of Guilan province, Iran) carried out through this study. The primary results of questionnaires compared to outcomes of controlling tools of the very same POE protocol, results of the following conducted interviews and qualitative analysis of variances in gathered data emerged Some social concept and factors assumed to be reasons of difference between findings of parallel ways; apparently influencing the assessment of built environment. On a macro scale of sociology these concepts were Apathy, Ignorance, Normlessness and Fear where on an operational scale the study addresses social concepts like Social situation, Active participation, Illiteracy , Lying, Reluctance to written participation, Lack of Inter-subjectivity , Peer pressure as well as more specific details like Time spent in space , Zoning and Who knows what. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies. The applied POE (referring its validity to data gathering from real users of space) was an approach claiming to be an international tool for architecture evaluation free of cultural context might be used at. The test result indicates that previously mentioned social factors in Iran highly influence the findings and provide uncertain and invalid data if not considered in POE studies.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Architecture
Received: 2013/10/6 | Accepted: 2013/09/23 | Published: 2014/12/3

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