Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017)                   Naqshejahan 2017, 7(1): 13-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Kamyar M, Taghvaea A A, Khazaei R. Unstable Condition of Housing in Tehran: Disruption or Dynamism. Naqshejahan 2017; 7 (1) :13-20
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-481-en.html
1- Encyclopedia Foundation of Iran, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
2- Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University.
3- Master of Iranian Studies, History, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Abstract:   (9468 Views)
Using Non-Islamic patterns in residential architecture in Iran, any logic has led to disruption in the
belt form of residential architecture of Iran. Such disrupted conditions have been also found in
social relations. Change in composition and method of distribution of residential texture in the form
of evacuation of downtown and old regions and growth of sub-urbanism without the development of
citizenship are some aspects of the crisis in the social condition of housing and social behavior in the City of
Tehran. The above effects will result in abnormal behaviors which are automatically extended to social
Statistical studies on the modern forms of residential buildings in Tehran which are designed as high
rises are followed and frequency of the antisocial events in this type of housing has been appraised.
The present study comprises the residential areas that have been included in the urban design of Iran
influenced by western societies and the related norms and contradictions have been compared in the
behavior of the residents of single unit houses, multiunit houses and residential complexes.
Analyzing the spatial perception in the assessment and evaluation regarding the environmental
satisfaction based on the visual perception of the districts pattern evolution is the subject under
discussion in this article. “Visual satisfaction of the surrounding environment” has been formed by
analyzing the data that may be used as a tool for achieving visual perception and conception in
urban spaces as well as introducing the effective factors contributing to the satisfaction and/or
dissatisfaction of the citizens.
Furthermore, this study presents an analysis of evaluation of urban structure environmental perception.
Assessment of phenomena such as Abundance of antisocial events, decrease the dependence
and interest of the citizens regarding their environment, disorganization, and disturbances in the
environment appearance, have been performed in the residential districts texture. Evaluation of the
extent of the environmental dissatisfaction includes a wide range of factors which totally reflect the
value of environmental quality. The next step is to study the visual perception and conception “mental
the arrangement of surrounding environment visual structure” with the method of structural factors
analysis of assessment of the space. Structural factor analysis and its comparison with the identification
and evaluation of the qualitative model of factors contributing to dissatisfaction in residential
environments under study will also discuss the priority of undesirable residential environment visual
factors. Finally, the research conducted on details of the crisis of social disorders that have already been
analyzed and indicates that evaluation of the extent of visual-environmental dissatisfaction include a
wide range of factors and that the district textures and built for do not follow any framework without
identification of cultural index such that in case of any failure in the prevention of such a condition, it may
lead to the social identity crisis.
Environment appearance structure is the most important element influencing on urban communities
which may increase or decrease interaction among individuals with the environment surrounding
them. The importance of each element contributing in appearance components in urban spaces,
causes to form documentary theories such as (CPTED).
In inclination towards foreseeing and equalizing the objectives, methods, and solutions, responding to
the various demands and needs in different cities and communitieshas already been failed. Reaction to 
this situation analyzed a large number of theories and approaches for urban planning and design with
qualified, small and certain human scales within the scope of local community and the findings make
them far away from their own positive traditions and their appropriate native cultural identification.
A historical survey on global experiences in policy making for neighborhood excerptional pattern
indicate the common problem of destroying self-oriented social relations and concept of collective
life in such neighborhoods which undeniably cause to destroy the feeling of social cohision and
continually losing of social capital in neighborhood pattern. Also the existence of high population
which makes conjested neighborhoods may lay suitable backgrounds for committing social crimes
and damages which in turn directly influence the perception of the dwellers’ security and safety.
Studies conducted include two different textures of a neighborhood and the research process is
based on recognizing coherence between anti-social behavior and design variables in the pattern of
residential neighborhood.
In summary, the article studies two different textures in the selected neighborhood and compare
them to find the relation between the abnormal behaviour and the type and pattern of the residential
places in there.
Assessment of the neighbourhood dwellers about their living places influences the level or extent
of the achieving objectives and success in urban projects. Also by recognizing factors contributing
on inhabitants’ degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and understanding available conditions
regarding residence quality, the future approaches have been sugested for promoting the environment
qualitative level and prevention from repetition of some inappropriate actions in other places.
In the literature, satisfaction from environmental appearance has been considered as a key criterion
for the evaluation of the degree of environment quality. This is due to the important fact that the
high-quality environment is defined as an environment which brings a high level of satisfaction feelings
to its population through socio-cultural and physical means.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2013/02/6 | Accepted: 2013/11/12 | Published: 2017/03/21

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