1- Assistant Professor, Dep. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam
Khomeini International University
2- Assistant Professor, Dep. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam Khomeini International University
3- M.A. in Architecture, Dep. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam
Khomeini International University
Abstract: (34224 Views)
Considering the vast changes in different aspects of life and various ways of earning livelihood, flexibility in contemporary housing design can be regarded as an appropriate solution in order to prevent from discreteness in interactions within the society and environment and among people. That is because a residence must be designed according to the changing needs of modern human. Traditional houses in Iran have already contained this concept, in modern era however, such viewpoint towards housing cannot be seen so often. Flexibility refers to the idea of adaptation throughout the time. Therefore it can be said that a flexible settlement is a house that can be adapted with the needs of the users and will lead to understanding the users’ expected demands with their own cooperation. Peoples’ cooperation in this process will increase the possibility of adaptation of housing with their needs which will eventually increase the general satisfaction of the housing. This research discusses the issue of flexibility and the related concepts in the field of housing with emphasis on some residential projects. Every settlement is depended on its user and the ground for its adaptation. Therefore, in terms of general design, we can say that settlement is dependent on both the environment and the user. Since human beings normally demand variety and monotonous environmental conditions make human beings unsatisfied and bored; they usually have a favorable and positive view towards changes in their living environment. These varieties can range from some minor changes up to basic ones such as a change in the residential house itself. Flexibility in architectural design indicates variety. Such variety includes the possibility of adjustment and compatibility of a residential unit throughout time. It will eventually lead the building to show new varieties of its own. In order to demonstrate flexibility, the architects have to put the probable needs of the users into consideration in the process of designing. In other words, a “long-term thought” is required in designing.Flexibility in housing can be investigated from two points of views: first, from users’ point of view and secondly the innovative construction. Designing consists of four main issues: (1) structural system; (2) servicing spaces; (3) architectural design; and (4) facilities for environmental flexibility. The present study tries to express the concept of flexibility as a “new form of challenging architecture”. This is done using some examples and instances. From such viewpoint, the goal this study tries to attain is to survey the limitations and boundaries of flexible designing. This is done by analyzing the selected items. This way, the architect can turn flexibility into an opportunity and produce creative options in his/her work and design. The present study was conducted using library-based method and case study with the aim of studying and discussing the conceptual and operational grounds of housing design in different countries. The structure and main framework of the present study stands on the idea that flexibility can be used for housing development in all eras and periods as a general concept and includes different types itself.
Received: 2011/11/5 | Accepted: 2012/02/15 | Published: 2012/03/18