Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017)                   Naqshejahan 2017, 7(1): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Mazaherian H, keynoosh A, Keynoosh A. Endogenous versus Conventional Approach to Residential Development in Revitalize Urban Identity of Iranian Islamic Architecture. Naqshejahan 2017; 7 (1) :1-12
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-6130-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Factory of Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- M.Archt, Factory of Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3- B.Archt, Factory of Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (11226 Views)
Population growth in large cities in under developing countries have been forced the governments that are responsible for the provision of housing units, to seek solutions in the sphere of urban housing are desirable. Extensive experience in various countries, including the United States of America in the
years after World War II, the sample debut experience of this, which in contemporary era have been tested. Ekbatan before the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the seal housing in the eighties and nineties such that each location during the suburbs are. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential of the Urban Distressed Areas and Urban structure important in shaping the city center, in order to provide housing and create a vitality of space in the form of social life, in contrast to the suburban areas. In this paper, a review of the Literature and the International Treaties in the field of Housing and Urban Development Strategy Documents, deals, also present paper studies the past two decades of experience in the field of Mass Housing, analyzes the positive achievements and negative consequences arising from the various policies. Finally, based on the research findings to develop the
advantages of sites within the city, especially urban distressed areas. In the upcoming strategy paper “rational argument” is used as a research strategy. This article is mostly “Descriptive and Analytical” is. In this paper, using the strategy of “Rational Argument” technique “Analyzers of the Content”, “reasonable inference”, and tries to classify content, and thus to develop a coherent way to achieve the target pave. The main issue of this study is to investigate the consequences of inappropriate social, cultural and urban development of the city outskirts, and relying on the “reasoning” description of the research and development projects based on the remaking of old and important housing within the cities logical. The results showed improper factors marginal urban housing development include: 1. Lack of
Participation 2. Households Cultural Exchange 3. The problems of Access to the Towns of Origin 4. The
Cost of Providing Infrastructure 5. The difficulty of Macro Management -6Conflict Patterns of Life 7. Adverse
Environmental Effects 8. Social Insecurity It is also important factors in selected urban distressed areas
and to provide affordable housing include 1. The Recovery of the Initial Nuclear Generating Urban
areas 2. Diversification of Activities in Single Activity Centers 3. Raising the Level of Security 4. The Cost
reduction and enables the Creation of Parallel Supplement 5. Easy of Macro Management 6. Ability
to Develop the Project 7. The Participation of Households’ 8. Growth Economic Value of Historic Areas
10. Control the Inappropriate Development of the City. The results show that the Endogenous versus
Conventional Approach to Residential Development in Historic Cities more appropriate.
1. Introduction
Why Population Growth and the need to Achieve Long-Term Solutions to the provision of housing, is
the main concern for metropolitan policy?
Actions on housing supply in all countries and global macroeconomic management. Measures such
as the UN Conference on residential areas in June 1996 in Istanbul Turkey, issues of human settlements
development and management in the 21st-century look. The projects under the United Nations
Human Settlements Program “UN-HABITAT “The former United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
was called by the defense, setting policy, capacity building, knowledge creation and strengthening
partnerships Governments and civil society to support the sustainable development of human
settlements. It is also responsible for the international community to help improve the lives of at least
hundred million slum dwellers Millennium Development Goal of reducing by half the proportion of
people without access to safe drinking water, permanent 2020 to fulfill. as part of the Declaration
stated, “We have come together to take this opportunity and the global goals of” adequate shelter for
all “and become human settlement safer, healthier, more capability for life, more equitable, sustainable
and effective, we endorse. We have two major themes of the conference, “adequate shelter for all” 
this situation analyzed a large number of theories and approaches to urban planning and design with
qualified, small and certain human scales within the scope of local community and the findings make
them far away from their own positive traditions and their appropriate native cultural identification.
A historical survey on global experiences in policy making for neighborhood exceptional pattern
indicate the common problem of destroying self-oriented social relations and a concept of collective
life in such neighborhoods which undeniably cause to destroy the feeling of social cohesion and
continually losing of social capital in neighborhood pattern. Also the existence of high population
which makes congested neighborhoods may lay suitable backgrounds for committing social crimes
and damages which in turn directly influence the perception of the dwellers’ security and safety.
Studies conducted include two different textures of a neighborhood and the research process is
based on recognizing coherence between anti-social behavior and design variables in the pattern of
residential neighborhood.
In summary, the article studies two different textures in the selected neighborhood and compare
them to find the relation between the abnormal behavior and the type and pattern of the residential
places in there.
Assessment of the neighborhood dwellers about their living places influences the level or extent
of the achieving objectives and success in urban projects. Also by recognizing factors contributing
on inhabitants’ degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and understanding available conditions
regarding residence quality, the future approaches have been suggested for promoting the environment
qualitative level and prevention from a repetition of some inappropriate actions in other places.
In the literature, satisfaction from environmental appearance has been considered as a key criterion
for the evaluation of the degree of environmental quality. This is due to the important fact that the
high-quality environment is defined as an environment which brings the high level of satisfaction feelings
to its population through socio-cultural and physical means.
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Article Type: Technical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2015/07/16 | Accepted: 2017/03/21 | Published: 2017/11/8

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