Volume 4, Issue 2 (2014)                   Naqshejahan 2014, 4(2): 54-63 | Back to browse issues page

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shabani A, izadi M S. Exploring the position of creative city theory in culture led urban regeneration. Naqshejahan 2014; 4 (2) :54-63
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-6763-en.html
1- PhD Candidate, Department of urban design, Faculty of Art, Architecture and urban design, Islamic Azad University, najaf abad branch, najaf abad, Iran
2- (Corresponding Author) Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, hamedan, Iran
Abstract:   (12391 Views)
The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts. The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical , social and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic (competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: -
Received: 2014/03/1 | Accepted: 2014/08/6 | Published: 2014/09/23

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