Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran , Iran
Abstract: (11767 Views)
Iranian Islamic culture can be appointed as an opportunity to promote urban design projects’ quality of implementation. Every community’s cultural brief can be traced in its economical, social structure. Theoretical and practical principals of Islam religion in compound with cultural conditions could lead to some executive policies in different important arena such as economical, political and social. These can promote each countries development in different aspects. Urban design projects needs efficient, smart and keen observing management system to be implemented well. Complicated process of an urban design project can be fulfilled and delivered only in this condition.
“Urban Design is a political and not a technical issue. The technical aspects are very simple. The difficult decisions relate to who is going to benefit from the models adopted”. ENRIQUE PENALOSA says. In Iran urban management system as the only permissive system for defining and ratifying urban design projects, has the main role to have these projects implemented. Municipalities as the most important external parable of urban management system must define the projects on the base of real scope of the city, for instance considering the environmental, infrastructural, social and economical conditions and capacities of a city. So you can predict a project as a feasible plan.
Scrutinizing the main challenges of implementation of urban Design plans and the feasibility of them in Iran, some points can be mentioned such as; weaknesses of the quality of implementation, over length of the implementing process or even not finishing or abandoning a project, and in many cases providing several parallel plans for some specified subjects of urban design project. This condition leads to consuming so much time and expenses and other sources in vein. So the subject of plans feasibility in urban design, as a main part of urban design process, is considered not only un-negligible but also vital.
Research method
On the base of the researches done by the author, the organizational system of urban developing management, due to its important role of coordinating other Interfering factors in development of the city, can be identified as the most important and influencing factor of urban design implementation process. In this article for increasing the validity of results, several methods have been used for collecting data. Studying related law materials and urban design projects, interviewing urban managers and professionals and experts. The qualitative and quantitative data and facts which have been collected and analyzed and presented via different tablets and models tells us that urban management system due to its important role of coordinating other interfering factors in the process of physical development of the city is that important if you ignore it, you might lose the best opportunities to promote the urban public spaces quality. Via the capabilities of the knowledge of urban design as an effective tool our cities can turn into better places to live. Of course it depends on how well you interface the cultural context of the area that is to be designed. Not studying well about social and cultural context of a society not only leads to spending time and money in vein but also by spoiling the knowledge of urban design and its policies for developing some area of a city can lead to a mall urban design project that ruins the townscape. Consequently people in this situation are unsatisfied with their cities decision makers and everyone who is concerned with the problem. In this condition the city managers would lose their social supports for the other coming projects.
Defining the Problem
Achieving good urban space is based on handling good urban design that is based on how deep we think about and how serious we take the procedural aspects of this interdisciplinary knowledge- profession. According to Lang (1994) a complete urban design process includes five steps; 1- intelligence that involves perception of problem,2- goals and design program 3- design that present different possible solutions 4- choice; prediction and evaluation of performances 5- implementation. Operation and post operation evaluation. Considering this kind of classifying we can see that the role of urban development management system can be recognized in each very step. The quality and intelligence of this management system and how it deals with these five steps defines and guarantees the quality of design outcome and the quality of city spaces. A smart urban manager must be keen observer to the cultural and social context of the city. Evidences show that in Iran and other developing courtiers lots of efforts have been taken to rectify the operation of urban management system, specifically thorough promoting related law materials. In this research we are trying to patalogize the challenges of this subject in one hand and in the other hand presenting some suggestion to improving and rectifying this interaction.
Literature Review
Considering the main axis of urban design programs’ feasibility, the effectiveness of management can be ranked as the most important factor. In reality the urban design output in the form of maps and plans get delivered to the urban management system to be implemented. So that’s why the effectiveness of management can be ranked as the most important factor. Nevertheless the management system isn’t disconnected with the process of providing and ratifying the urban design plans, but its main role is when a plan is going to be implemented.
Some urban design pioneers have pointed to different aspects of this subject especially after the 1970’s. In fact the first important step the hold of a conference named “urban design in practice” in 1982. Most of the participants such as Lynch, Pitas and Robertson were emphasizing on promoting some kind of more practical thought about urban design. They were all agreed that educational system must take the executive issues and law materials more serious in urban design university courses. Hildebrand is also in the book of “urban design; toward a more sustainable form” has emphasized on the necessity of political support for implementing urban design projects. In this book it been noticed that implementing a strategic urban design plan like a regeneration plan might takes time more than 20 years. So implementation of such a plan doubtlessly needs the political support of urban management authorities.
Punter and Carmona have also pointed to this matter in their book “The design dimensions of planning” (1997) they introduced urban design as a highly contentious action. They believe that only a good urban design governance can mediate between different contradictory stakeholders property by studying cultural and social context deeply. However at the end we point to the perfect word of sophie (2005) says; space is not just a passive place for supporting social interaction, but it is shaped by peoples behavior. In fact it means that space is simultaneously the vein and the consequent of social interaction so that it is important for urban mangers and also urban designer and the planners to study about social and cultural context of the area of selected urban design site.
Article Type:
Analytical Article |
Highperformance Architecture Received: 2017/10/22 | Accepted: 2017/12/31 | Published: 2018/02/20