Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017)                   Naqshejahan 2017, 7(1): 37-48 | Back to browse issues page

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raeesi M M, samar shahpasand S. Explaining appropriate colors for residential sub-spaces based on Islamic teachings. Naqshejahan 2017; 7 (1) :37-48
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-709-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Architecture, Qom University, Qom, Iran , m.raeesi@qom.ac.ir
2- Master of Architecture, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (10041 Views)
The subject of color and color psychology and its impact on mind and human body always had an important place in the debate about architecture. This issue considered by researchers how can a color with its own characteristics affect humans as user space. However, the impact not having much discussion and main debate is on the extent and severity of the impact on human beings. This research deals with the same issue, But with the difference that it intends to examine the effects of color on humans from an Islamic perspective, specifically the psychology of color in housing and residential spaces from the perspective of Islam. Residential use in this study were selected because, firstly, so far, few studies have done in the field of color psychology in residential spaces, especially based on Islamic teachings, and secondly, a significant part of human life is spent in this type of environment, so research in this regard, is crucial.
The main question of this research is that according to Islamic teachings (especially verses and hadiths) each of color in terms of psychological and physiological effects on human and due to this effect, what colors are more desirable for different spaces in residential use. The purpose of this study is to derive applied results about the use of colors in the residential spaces according to their characteristics.
Search in religious texts is done by using two main sources. To search in the verses, we have used the Quran as a book of divine revelations and to explore hadiths, “jame-al-ahadith” software have been used, which contains hundreds of narrative books. After searching the key words related to the colors mentioned above in this resource, those verses and hadiths that allow inference architectural results for residential spaces were analyzed using qualitative content method and finally, the results of this analysis are explained in the presented table in conclusion section of the paper.
So far, limited research has been done on the psychology of color in residential spaces, but most of these researches refer to their applications in architecture. But these researches mainly investigated experimental studies on colors and their properties and Islamic teachings are not affected on the formation of their elements (including theoretical foundation, questions, goals, etc.). However, in some internal research, Islamic teachings on the psychology of color are discussed. But what distinguishes this paper from other researches is that other researches have not been lead to particular results to use in architecture, especially in residential spaces. Thus we have tried to resolve this scientific gap by citing Islamic teachings.
Before explain the fact that according to Islam, what colors are suitable for what residential spaces, this important topic must be addressed primarily that basically what is the proper housing from an Islamic perspective? Obviously, the explanation of all of the components of the adequate housing cannot be included in a brief research, Therefore, in this article, just those housing components that communicate with the color in architecture (directly or indirectly) are addressed. After extracting the components, it was observed that the impact domain is not the same and at least they can be classified in two general macro and micro level.
Macro components can be placed in two categories:
1. Attention to Islamic culture of society: The purpose of taking into account culture in defining adequate accommodation is that although using of the experiences of other nations and cultures (both past and present) is desirable, but it should be used in such a way that with utilizes them, principles, values and beliefs of society do not be undermined, national identity does not get any damage, does not publish dissenting opinions in society, and finally be evaluated and selected with criteria that derived from native culture.
2. Attention to different levels of human life: Coordination of dimensions and characteristics of residential spaces with different levels of human life has special significance, while the information received from the environment to human should steer and accompanied him in the direction of excellence and growth.
On the other hand, micro components can be classified into five groups:
1. Preserve and improve the quality of family relationships: Home as a container for life and human interactions should have certain characteristics. According to Islam strongly recommend to maintaining ties with family and extended family interaction and communication, color as a crucial factor in the quality of the environment and the quality of people interactions can play a significant role.
2. Comfort and tranquility in housing: Human requires peace in many ways, due to the different realms of human life and color plays a significant role in this regard.
3. Avoid physical individuation of housing: According to Islamic teachings, housing should not be a tool for showing off, displays the owner's wealth and pride. So, we should avoid certain colors that cause physical individuation of the buildings adjacent to each other.
4. The extent of housing: While in the Qur'an, squander is forbidden and According to some traditions, housing that is not needed is abominable but in hadiths, large houses are ordered. So it can be deduced that in the area of housing, should follow moderation, and be warned of extremes. But in recent times that for various reasons, many residential buildings (including apartments) are not large enough, psychologically, we can use different color effects to show inner spaces wider (such as living room, bedrooms, etc.).
5. Home adornment: About adornment and beauty of the home, numerous traditions have been narrated. It is obvious that color as an important visual tool that play an undeniably role in beauty of residential spaces.
Then, explain the colors suit for the residential spaces will be discussed. Based on studies in Quranic verses and hadiths, an important feature of the yellow color is produced happiness and excitement and suitable for spaces such as living room, dining-room and reading room (library). Blue is relaxing and thought-provoking and so, for the bedroom and reading room (library) is suitable. It is also relatively favorable for living and dining room. Red triggers feelings and exciting and so, for spaces such as dining rooms and athletic spaces is suitable. Green is fun and relaxing and is great for bedrooms, living and dining room. It is relatively desirable and suitable for spaces that are used for study (such as library). White color is also relaxing and cool. It is appropriate for most spaces such as the kitchen, bedroom and living room and dining and especially health spaces (such as bathrooms and toilets). At the end, black is tragic and debilitating instincts and cannot be used in any residential sub-spaces.
It should be noted that the results of this study represent a significant wealth of Islamic resources to draw applied conclusions in some specialized areas of architecture and what was inferred, indicated the need to reflect more on the resources in other professional fields of architecture which seems to not have been properly scrutinized.
Keywords: Color, Islam, housing, Psychology
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2015/04/17 | Accepted: 2017/03/21 | Published: 2017/11/8

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