Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011)                   Naqshejahan 2011, 1(1): 81-94 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourjafar M, Dehghani F. Role of Cultural Landscapes Regeneration in the Enhancement of the Quality of Citizen Life (case study: Zandieh Complex of Shiraz). Naqshejahan 2011; 1 (1) :81-94
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-7441-en.html
1- Associate Prof., Dep. of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art & Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University
2- M.A Student in Architecture, Faculty of Art & Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract:   (14695 Views)
The recent concept of the cultural landscape is the result of the development of the contemporary society and it`s valuables. In the past years, often the special art works and important monuments were being noticed, but after the world war and its destructions and the enormous industrial development in the decade of 1950’s, people understood that their lives had a close relationship with the environment in which they had lived or worked, and this became a basis for the recognition of the cultural identity and a spiritual reference for a balanced way in their lives. Due to the considerable influence of the cultural regeneration on the desirable components of quality in the living environment of the citizens; the concepts of quality of citizen’s life and the effect of indexes of the objective quality on the citizen’s life, would be studied. On this basis, nowadays paying attention to the urban centers and the solutions based on the necessity of increase in quality of life is very important for the managers and urban program designers; because the desirable quality of the spaces have an undeniable effect on the humanity sensations and spaces are the basis of social and public activities, holding the ceremonies, identification factor of the cities, the arena for the believes to emerge, their thoughts and the way of living.In addition, regarding the fact that one of the main aspects and concentrations of urban buildings and building the large cities was based on the urban complexes, and nowadays the neglectfulness of the urban managers about these type of spaces has made a lot of problems for these centers which have degraded the quality of the life environments of the citizens. Zandiye complex of shiraz, which is a special kind of cultural landscape within the urban environment; is going to be studied and instructions based on the regeneration would be presented to improve the quality of the citizen’s life in this urban complex. The effects of this complex on Shiraz are so that it has defined a part of the identity of this city during the history, because the national and religious ceremonies have been held in this complex. Regardless of the vastness and importance of the Karimkhan complex of buildings due to the diverse and new functions, the zand street passing through the complex and some social-cultural issues, have affected the living quality and sustainable presence of the citizens; So a qualitative coordinator design seems to be very essential. It is obvious that the improvement of the quality of life in the cultural landscape in urban space needs to have access to the criteria’s and conditions which meet the consent of the citizen by providing their spiritual and non-spiritual requirements. The investigation procedure of this paper is based on the descriptive-analytic research method or the historical case study approach. The resources of this research are libraries and field observations.
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Received: 2011/11/30 | Accepted: 2012/02/15 | Published: 2012/03/18

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