Volume 7, Issue 4 (2018)                   Naqshejahan 2018, 7(4): 73-83 | Back to browse issues page

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Mashhadi abolghasem shirazi M, Leylian M. Investigating the interactions of Islamic teachings affecting airport design. Naqshejahan 2018; 7 (4) :73-83
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-8046-en.html
1- Department of architecture ،central Tehran Branch ،Islamic Azad University،tehran،Iran .
2- Assistant Professor of Architecture at the islamic azad university of parand , m.shirazi_arc@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (12318 Views)
Designed according to the principles of the Iranian Islamic architecture in the world do not have many samples. Western culture influenced modern architecture and has little respect to the culture and customs of Iranians. Be careful in places design like airports is very important in a place that a large number of passengers every day. This research is a descriptive study and information gathering tool has been library tool and Tried to influence elements of Islamic-Iranian architecture in the design of an airport. In today's world in which the technology speaks first prior to everything, the shortage of time and the need for speeding works is clear for everyone. It must be accepted that the need for a high speed in transportation category can be important and discussible more than anything. Regarding the airplane as the fastest vehicle in today's world leads us to the space for accessing the airplane, i.e. the airport. irport terminals are buildings, which were considered as main arrivals and departures gates of the cities. And its main users are temporary and the building serves them as a pathway. This space is a perfect platform for the creation of a permanent mental and memorable space at the beginning of an entrance to a city or a country.
In addition to the important issue of the performance in airport designing, paying attention to the combination between space, form, structure and light in this building plays an important role in designing. Regarding the optimum consumption of the energy and strategies for the sake of reducing greenhouse gases and supplying the complex energy by itself and regarding the modern technology, it is necessary to definitely equip an advanced airport complex to smart materials. Therefore, regarding the mentioned items, an architect can provide convenience for passengers with proper designing and easily guide them to their objectives. Airports are a collection of different plants and equipment has been made to provide facilities for handling and air transport. As maritime transport requires port, the airport can also be likened to the air port that is required for air transportation. In places such as airports, that all passengers must be attend at least an hour early, and in many cases different reasons caused delays for passengers, it is essential to reduce psychological pressure work with a variety of solutions(Factors and solutions to improve). In an airport environment, many factors can be taken into account that can be suitable environment, away from stress and mental tension designed. In an airport environment, many factors can be considered with the help of those factors; it can be suitable environment away from stress and mental tension designed. Passengers expect a comfortable and charming terminal facilities and the behavior be effective, acceptable and done without wasting time. For this reason, the design of passenger terminal must be functional and beautiful architecture. Iranian architecture has architectural features that in compare with other countries has particular value: features such as proportional design, accurate calculations, the correct form of coverage, compliance with technical and scientific issues in the building, high balconies, tall columns and the various decorations that each of which in simplicity represents the magnificent architecture of this land . Ecological, ethnic and cultural type causes of human construction are very diverse in the area of housing and other buildings in our country.
Discussion and Conclusion
The use of different materials, different styles, very much functions of a building that still remains in our country many old houses. It seems knowing what we have in the past and recognize the principles and standards of our traditional architecture and give them a body language, pave the way to achieve what is intended, and it is the responsibility of individual architects to refer to original sources and valuable examples. The principles of confidentiality, hierarchy, coordination, connection with nature, geometry, etc. are all of those who today truly obsoleted and certainly, understanding and applying them will helpful. Since we are talk about confusion and lack of identity in today Architecture of Iran, perhaps the biggest problem in addition to the West-oriented are non-planning, a lack of strong ideas and a lack of understanding of contemporary architecture, in a break with the past architecture. The study attempts to examine some of the elements of the Iranian Islamic architecture and analysis of the potential impact of these factors on airport design, in order to recognize moral and material factors that an airport space needs them, So that could be achieve today’s Islamic architectural structures and bodies.
To date, various theories and discussions about the airport and how to design it with the help of elements and different criteria have been proposed and there are articles and books written on this subject that some have been directly used by authors. There are many different factors effect on the psyche of the passengers and the first one is time. The time they must wait, sometimes there are the stress and concerns, such as fear of flying. For this reason it is necessary that the expected space that is designed, in terms of soul mind and spirit calm passengers. Architecture as a body of thought has always been a tool for the development of thinking, attitudes and thoughts of every nation. The trace of principles and ideology prevailing culture of this country is best seen in traditional architecture of Iran. Iranian architecture that is one of the richest examples of vernacular architecture with notable formic achievements in the world, it became one of the most successful examples of architectural concept during the Islamic period.
In traditional Islamic architecture in Iran, the importance of "need" in construction of "form" in Iranian architects designing and performance is obvious. Forms that sometimes is associated with creativity and unique technology, this has been indicator the ability of Iranian architects. Iranian architecture with variables such as: the benefits and avoid idleness, targeted, symbolism and legibility, prioritization and hierarchy and perfectionism, which is obtained by logical reasoning, could remind some Islamic culture values and principles such as unity, targeted and prosperity, social solidarity, individuality, respect and value, to avoid extravagance and frivolity and valuable meanings to the people using the space. In Iranian traditional architecture, some principles have been used by architect artist rooted in his vision of the universe. Addressing the root is dealing with principles. Understand the principle, is the meaning what direct the art and civilization in all of human society with a common culture and belief. So in authentic Islamic-Iranian architecture, the environment (in order to meet the needs of the inhabitants) took shape and then came to form, while in Iranian modern architecture at first, the space and then the need and comply with space take shape. Architects as creators of the building, are creating a short-lived effect and its survival is dependent on technology and technology. While in original Islamic-Iranian architecture, innovative architecture aimed to create space and building.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2017/10/1 | Accepted: 2017/12/31 | Published: 2018/02/20

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