Abstract: (14391 Views)
The purpose of the present study was to use the architectural patterns of Islamic schools in order to provide guidelines for physical environmental design of modern schools based on enhancing users’ learning. Schools, as the most important places to train human forces, play an important role in enhancing learning levels of people. Therefore, designing appropriate environments regarding students’ comprehensive development is a necessity. Spatial order and the relationship between spaces are important factors in providing physical and mental comfort for users. The spatial arrangements define communications, events and experiences within the space of interest. On the other hand, study of Islamic schools’ architecture can help the understanding of physical criteria affecting school design. The present study investigated the determining factors of physical arrangements in Islamic period schools and comparing them with modern schools, with the purpose of enhancing learning. The method of this study was quantitative-qualitative that has been conducted analytically and as survey. The sample of this study consisted of all art teachers and high school teachers of Zahedan province in the academic year of 2015-2016. In this study, Multistage Cluster Sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 310 subjects. The researchers extracted effective variables through library investigations and studying the samples of Islamic period schools in Iran. In the next stage, the obtained variables were analyzed and after confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, it was used to assess the sample’s point of view. The obtained results were analyzed in SPSS software. The results indicate that the physical arrangements have positive effects on users’ learning. These criteria consist of walking in the environment, flexibility, open and roofed spaces, the relationship between inside and outside spaces, furniture, and space categories. Finally, the research findings have been formulated as the design principles of modern schools in order to enhance users’ learning. Considering each of the environmental criteria as design principles of modern schools based on enhancing leaning will be as follows: 1. Space categories: Putting together the spaces with similar performance Separating spaces with different functions to avoid noise pollution transmission 2. Hierarchy and movement in space: Designing appropriate dimensions for the classes by predicting the movement space around the benches Observing the communicative hierarchies of various spaces Converting movement and communicative routes to learning environments by predicting seating and study spaces to adjust corridors and stairs spaces 3. Designing flexible spaces: The possibility to change class space for various individual and group activities Dedicating flexible and independent space to educational and cultural activities Designing collective spaces as open plan and the possibility to divide spaces with light and movable walls Creating multipurpose spaces for rest, study, etc. Participation of users in changing the furniture and space arrangements 4. Open and roofed spaces Designing learning yards by providing the opportunity for empirical learning Crating differences in yard floor and resting spaces for small and large groups Combining open and green spaces between closed spaces in a scattered manner 5. The relationship between inside and outside spaces Designing semi-open spaces for group activities Providing good prospects towards the outdoor in the corridors, halls and classrooms Extending the closed spaces towards yard using terraces, semi-open corridors and using canopy walls Designing semi-open spaces for resting along with the green spaces 6. Furniture Designing furniture through providing easy mobility and verbal and visual communication
Received: 2016/04/27 | Accepted: 2016/08/22 | Published: 2016/09/15