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Kamelnia H. Challenges to Design GREEN High-Rise Building in Iran Assessing and analyzing usage of green building technology (case study: Residential Green Towers, Iran). Naqshejahan 2017; 6 (4) :15-25
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-9222-fa.html
Kamelnia Hamed. Challenges to Design GREEN High-Rise Building in Iran Assessing and analyzing usage of green building technology (case study: Residential Green Towers, Iran). نقش جهان - مطالعات نظری و فناوری های نوین معماری و شهرسازی. 1395; 6 (4) :15-25

URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-9222-fa.html

Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
چکیده:   (9725 مشاهده)
In recent years, the debate over tall buildings and their impact on the environment has been raised greatly. On the one hand, the need to build tall buildings for various reasons such as: economical, functional, and environmental and on the other hand, High consumption of resources because of tall buildings is a challenge. In recent years, there has been six main approach in the design of high-rise buildings†: High-tech, Monolithic, Kinetic, Scenography, Media tic and Ecological.
Ecological approach in the design of high-rise buildings, is realized by sustainable and green architecture. Ecological approach to architecture of high-rise buildings has led to not only the buildings less damage to the environment, but they also promote the quality of the environment. LEED standards at the late of twentieth century is used because of realization of these goals.
In spite of a favorable environment for the use of renewable energy in Iran, there are four factors to reach green design: cultural, economic, technological and legal. Also in this condition there are some necessities to build green in high rise: saving energy (by solar panels, wind turbine, GHP system, CCHP), usage of green space in high rise, recycling water, healthy material and sustained construction, double skin façade, site development (green transport). In a case study of green high rise in Iran, renewal energies decreased usage of energy in building from 290kwh/m2 to 75kwh/m2. Also economic factors shows the rise of 1.2-1.4% in cost but 30-35% reduction in energy costs in green high rises. Compared to a conventional building, usage of renewal energies has 17.5% increase in Mechanical costs, 17% in Architecture & 37.5% in green spaces. With double skin façade, total cost increases about 8.2%-8.4% and without 1.2%-1.4%. In maximum condition it is 10% rise in cost compared with a conventional building.
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دریافت: 1396/2/2 | پذیرش: 1395/10/12 | انتشار: 1396/2/2

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