Volume 7, Issue 2 (2017)                   Naqshejahan 2017, 7(2): 71-78 | Back to browse issues page

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ZANDIEH M, MAHMOODZADEH KANI I, Hessari P. Building Information Modeling (BIM); a model for improving the design process. Naqshejahan 2017; 7 (2) :71-78
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-9825-en.html
1- Faculty member (Associate Professor) of Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran,
2- Faculty member, University of Tehran,
3- PhD Student / Imam Khomeini International University
Abstract:   (10656 Views)
Already in a variety of buildings with different uses, what would seem more architectural design, the changes after utilization by users that this change in terms of non-compliance with design requirements and not due to changes in other aspects, such as engineering and pre-operation. Sometimes encountered with a sudden change in the design process and according to the traditional structure of the design process, this change does not apply in other dimensions and design errors during the operation, to show the changes will be binding, it could be next a model to follow design changes and pre-operation would lead to elimination; as necessary. Building Information Modeling (BIM) by removing complexity in the design, manufacturing, integration of information with possible changes in the other components of the structure, anticipate and reduce errors after the operation and construction. With technology development, process improvement and change the industry has improved, but still compact construction industry based on the traditional process, with the architectural design or building design, constructed by contractors. This is while, the building of new systems and due to the changing demands of the employer, are very complex, so that we add to this complexity, architects, owners and contractors to align themselves with these developments, in the wake of Operation changes into the design drawn on the body, it's important to be consistent and comprehensiveness of information between other elements of building construction creates a problem, since more of the architect's plans need to be integrated and followed this interference with the program at all stages make a pre-operation. In fact, building information modeling, a new change in the design and construction industry is documenting, modeling, building information, information about the whole building gives us the full documentation and integration into a database gives us. All of these parameters are therefore connected to each other, any change in the model of an object, the entire project will affect all aspects, building information modeling, data includes actual building is only two-dimensional maps, which are common Maps drawn with CAD found not formed. Building Information Modeling, a common mistake is called as a digital model generated by CAD software in a process known as Building Information Modeling. Construction industry due to the large number of documents it is much more complicated than ever. BIM new promising tool in architecture, engineering and construction industry, which will build a virtual model before the actual construction of buildings on the main field allows information. In fact, this model designs because this method, using the building information and it is also the most important stage design. Building and weaknesses through analysis software is documented. In enhancing the effectiveness of the do the right thing, in this method, two-dimensional plan was rejected and assessments in specific applications with methods to identify the areas and their dimensions are considered qualities, at different times of exposure, etc. is checked.
In the construction of a project, including design partnership with the consultancy, construction and post-run (after the operation) is, in fact semantic knowledge building must be provided, building information model, common architecture Other aspects of the project such as building provides structural and semantic knowledge, based on continuous improvement approach, which supports the evolutionary changes simply and recovery. It improves with time-saving schematic design, design changes and development, creation and coordination between the various elements of project design and control documents in advance of the operation increases productivity. The main objective of this study was to develop methods to improve the architectural design stage before an exploit is in fact to determine the effectiveness promoter factors, using the building information model, the final design is done. The rise of the more complex, faster and build sustainable development in the form of improved technology makes BIM drawing because the traditional activities are not able to meet these pressures. It is hoped that with the widespread use of building information modeling in the field of construction, the cost of future performance and reduced use and improved performance of the operation to reduce errors. The Building Information Modeling as an innovative way to design, construction of process before and after the operation, implementation and management, compared with more traditional methods of design and attitude as human activities that model, instead of seeing it as an object-oriented approach or a special software. In fact, BIM improves the automation industry and process two-dimensional animation project, has been integrated into the workflow in the batch process, the ability of computing, networking and data information and knowledge society maximized and errors are reduced.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) by removing complexity in the design, manufacturing, integration of information with possible changes in the other components of the structure, anticipate and reduce errors after the operation and construction. With technology development, process improvement and change the industry has improved, but still compact construction industry based on the traditional process, with the architectural design or building design, constructed by contractors. This is while, the building of new systems and due to the changing demands of the employer, are very complex, so that we add to this complexity, architects, owners and contractors to align themselves with these developments, in the wake of Operation changes into the design drawn on the body, it's important to be consistent and comprehensiveness of information between other elements of building construction creates a problem, since more of the architect's plans need to be integrated and followed this interference with the program at all stages make a pre-operation. In fact, building information modeling, a new change in the design and construction industry is documenting, modeling, building information, information about the whole building gives us the full documentation and integration into a database gives us. All of these parameters are therefore connected to each other, any change in the model of an object, the entire project will affect all aspects, building information modeling, data includes actual building is only two-dimensional maps, which are common Maps drawn with CAD found not formed. Building Information Modeling, a common mistake is called as a digital model generated by CAD software in a process known as Building Information Modeling. Construction industry due to the large number of documents it is much more complicated than ever. BIM new promising tool in architecture, engineering and construction industry, which will build a virtual model before the actual construction of buildings on the main field allows information. In fact, this model designs because this method, using the building information and it is also the most important stage design. Building and weaknesses through analysis software is documented. In enhancing the effectiveness of the do the right thing, in this method, two-dimensional plan was rejected and assessments in specific applications with methods to identify the areas and their dimensions are considered qualities, at different times of exposure, etc. is checked. BIM improves the automation industry and process two-dimensional animation project, has been integrated into the workflow in the batch process, the ability of computing, networking and data information and knowledge society maximized and errors are reduced.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2017/07/6 | Accepted: 2017/08/23 | Published: 2017/09/6

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