Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017)                   Naqshejahan 2017, 7(1): 73-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Saremi H, Hedayatian M, Alavi S. Reviews and compare Mehr housing units built with the principles and criteria Urban and architecture of Iranian - Islamic (Area of study: City Borojerd). Naqshejahan 2017; 7 (1) :73-84
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-694-en.html
1- Faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tehran, Iran. , saremi@modares.ac.ir
2- Lecturer in the Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch, Iran
3- Master of Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (11297 Views)
The Iranian architecture is one of the richest local architectural samples in the world that its achievements are undeniable. Features such as civility, autonomy, avoidance of absurdity and … were used as main branches in the architecture of ancient monuments. With advent of Islam and its spread in Iran, Iranian architecture was combined with values derived from religious and created the Iranian-Islamic rich architecture principles. In the historical monuments of Iranian cities including Boroujerd, it can be seen the application of Iranian-Islamic rich architecture such as harmony with nature, security, identity and … in that period. After decade 1300 and by opening the doors of Iran to the world countries, the western architecture entered in Iran and it has prevailed in competition with Islamic-Iranian architecture and after that, the Iranian buildings were built with western principles. The architecture that was very different with Islamic-Iranian culture and perhaps it was in conflict with it that its prominent sample can be seen in the contemporary houses including Maskan Mehr, a program which has been in the government agenda in order to provide house for low-income people.
In the last half-century, inter-family distinction has increased dramatically and its internal congruence has changed. in other hand, Urban growth and increasing middle class has increased External similarities in families. the terms as such as "middle class", "low-income group" etc are signs of "same view" viewpoint. In the West the family is known as an entity through which Most legitimate emotional and sexual relationship and wealth transfer are possible and includes parents and one or two children. Parents often work together and come home in the evenings and home is becoming dormitories. But in Iran, Families in both quality and quantity terms is more varied and multiple. Presence of children over 20 years old and relatives(Grandfather, grandmother and . . .) in a iranian home has very high possible.
Art and culture of this zone combined with new factors. Principles, customs, Religious Ceremonies, spirits, ethical, thoughts, and ideas of generations and other human features are presenting not only in massive buildings but in Small buildings, and is such entwined with the essence of existence Iranian architecture that its effect can be traced in all past Architectural monuments.
Islamic-Iranian Architecture has a bilateral relationship with nature, Such a way In all architectural monuments of the cities a summary of the nature is created. in the Islamic-Iranian city, Buildings have a central courtyard where residents have the opportunity to see the sky, stars and sun and inside it there are also waterfront and plants. So, the small-scale relationship with nature in house and in closest state is created. materials used in Building Construction include natural material and specially Soil which has not The destructive effects on natural environment and When Building is destroyed this materials are Recyclable and reusable. In addition, The orientation of these buildings is in a way which it best utilization natural factors (Sunshine, Winds, precipitations) is possible. While in some parts due to the needs by creating elements such as Windward and areas such as Bedchamber and Shvadan convert possible Natural threats into opportunities. also The use water resources is doing So that do not cause Pollution of it and maximum exploitation from this resource can be possible.
it must be said , unfortunately , Islamic architecture in iran has distanced from its Islamic and indigenous form , and created overt and covert problems , including loss of natural light location , impose many restriction . Koran's emphasis is on the home location and this residence before its physical concept have metaphysical meaning and means a dwelling and calm spirit , and it requires that templates of forms of housing in Islamic community will be realizes based on this meaning. therefore in this model , architectural pattern is prior to the mold and idea oriented . on the other hand , spirit shapes in the form and templates.
Examining the trend of change housing at different time telling the story of transformation of this space . housing pattern used prior to 1300 is very different with current pattern . home in its Iranian and also Islamic sense. House in its Iranian view is a completely enclosed space that constructed based on minorities and cultural condition of its time and use all places and circumstances in the best way. In this type of housing , there is comfort along with psychological , visual and audio security , and its residents have been living in the appropriate environment.
After 1300s , architecture of iran following West was changed that was in conflict in all areas . this contemporary home conflict is obvious . examining the Maskan Mehr in Borojerd showed this conflict better . studies show that Maskan Mehr in Borojerd have not bean constructed according to Iranian – Islamic model none of Iranian – Islamic architectural principle do not have been observed , so that with following West architecture and culture , Iranian values have been ignored and houses have been constructed similar to west's houses. In this respect the privacy( visual , audio, security) of the home have not been observed. If door is opened , you can see the interior of the house . house spaces in these houses is include closed space that most of its parts are scrambled , and person should define this space . space in these house is worth by objects not by elements such as walls . floors and ceilings.
The purpose of this study is to present an Islamic-Iranian model in the Maskan Mehr and The methodology of this thesis is descriptive-analytical that some part of its data were collected as library method and the other part is provided via field visit and completing questionnaire.
The results indicate that the Maskan Mehr in the light of architecture, based on observations and experts, features of Islamic-Iranian architecture can't be seen in that and the application of western architecture is evident inside the building and also its façade.
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Article Type: Analytical Article | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2014/03/5 | Accepted: 2017/03/21 | Published: 2017/11/8

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