Volume 11, Issue 3 (2021)                   Naqshejahan 2021, 11(3): 49-66 | Back to browse issues page

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Behnava B, Pourzargar M. Impact of New Materials on Dynamics of Four Recent Decades in Iranian Architecture 1980-2020. Naqshejahan 2021; 11 (3) :49-66
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-52431-en.html
1- Ph.D Candidate, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University. Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University. Iran , reza_pourzargar@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4243 Views)
Aims: One of the main challenges of Iranian architecture in its last four decades are confusions in its visual identity and the lack of dynamics in the facades of its buildings. The use of new materials along with the use of cultural values and the rich architectural identity of Iran can have a significant impact on the dynamics of urban Facades. The main purpose of this study is to explain the position of new materials in urban and architectural facades of Iran Architecture and to prioritize solutions of the use of new materials to enhance the dynamics of facades in contemporary buildings.
Methods: This research Consists of a combination of descriptive-analytical and survey methodology. and by the use of a SWOT analysis the Internal and external factors affecting the use of new materials have been analyzed and finally the data obtained in the form of questionnaire questions have been provided to the statistical community.
Findings: Findings indicate that the majority of experts pay attention to the aesthetic and static aspects of materials in the aspect of dynamics of the facade and less attention is paid to the efficient ecological components.
Conclusion: in this study the use of new materials in Iranian Contemporary architecture and its role in the development of trends and Morphological metamorphosis has been reviewed and indicates that itchr('39')s possible to improve the dynamics of building facades by using efficient components as well as improving the quality of aesthetic and statical aspects of materials.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2021/05/10 | Accepted: 2021/09/21 | Published: 2021/11/10

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