Volume 13, Issue 4 (2024)                   Naqshejahan 2024, 13(4): 93-122 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi F, Latifi M. A comparative study of the behavioral realms of Isfahan's historical and contemporary schools using the theory of spatial syntax. Naqshejahan 2024; 13 (4) :93-122
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-72380-en.html
1- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
2- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , md.Latifi@iau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1537 Views)

Aims: The purpose of the current research is to analyze the configuration and spatial organization in the plan of historical schools of Islamic-Iranian architecture and compare it with new schools in terms of interconnectedness, depth (spatial influence), connection and accessibility.

Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical with logical argumentation and deductive reasoning, as well as simulation with the use of Depth-map software. As case studies, Chaharbagh, Sadr Bazar and Sadr Khajo schools have been selected as historical educational buildings with a high arrangement and integration and uniform configuration, and Saadi and Setare Sobh schools with linear organization have been selected as contemporary educational buildings.

Findings: In Chaharbagh, Sadr Khajo and Sadr Bazar schools, they have the most spatial influence. The factor of difference in these schools is close to one which shows high spatial integration and the same configuration. We can also mention the connection between open space and education. The yard has the most access and is the heart of the configuration. After that, porches and cells have the least amount of access. In contemporary schools, the connection is less than in traditional schools. It can be seen in the combination of entrance, corridor and classroom spaces.

Conclusion: The analysis of the plans and the outlines of the schools from the past to the present shows the changing factors have a great impact on the of difference and the distance from the case study one, which indicates change in organization, the reduction of spatial integration and uneven configuration.

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Article Type: Analytic Review | Subject: Pioneer Islamic Iranian Art and Architecture
Received: 2023/11/11 | Accepted: 2024/02/12 | Published: 2024/03/18

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